Finding Focus in Ecuador

Quito Ecuador

I’ve been in Ecuador for 2 weeks now and I find I am able to get into a rhythm with my day-to-day.

Wake up.

Taiji on Monday, Wednesday, and Fridays. Tuesdays and Thursdays I usually sleep in.

Desayuno (breakfast) somewhere local, or maybe Ruhi makes something at home.

Then start work from noon until 9:00 PM. Watch something or keep working until bed round 11:00 or 12:00.

On the weekends we venture out. Or sometimes we just stay home and relax.

This has been a time to regroup and reset.

Two more weeks here in Quito, the capital of Ecuador.

Then 4 weeks in Cuenca.

And after 5 days in Quito again we return to the U.S.

The time has gone fast, and also slow.

But coming here with just two backpacks and a small suitcase has made us realize how little we need to get by. Probably even less than we brought with us.

It is hard to remember what we have back in the States in our packing boxes and bins. But this is a good mindset to have when we eventually settle down in Tulsa in October and start to go through all of it.

But until then, it is a nice break from “things” to just live day by day with what we have with us.