The Bare Essentials

There are different levels to living:

  • poverty (in all senses)
  • survival (just barely)
  • stability (head above water)
  • thriving (happy and healthy with what you need)
  • abundance (more than you need)

So, what is the bare minimum you need for each of these?

  • Poverty: this is below survival level, so you already don’t have what you need. Food insecurity, homelessness, health issues, lack of social structure, and not having any money is in this category.
  • Survival: You have only the essentials to live. The least amount of food, a place to sleep, no major health issues, some family or friends, and just enough money to maintain your status.
  • Stability: You have enough to not just live, but enough to start building up a reservoir of resources. You can buy not just the minimal foods, but foods you actually want to eat. You can improve your health. You have a home and not just a roof over your head. You have a good social structure, and a way to bring in enough money to save a bit each month.
  • Thriving: You have enough to be happy and content. You don’t have to worry about food, your health, home, or income. You can give to others and contribute to your community.
  • Abundance: You have more than you or your family needs. You have more access to food, health care, and resources than most people and you could easily support many other families if you wanted.

So, within these five areas, which is where you currently live? And where do you want to live?

I think the majority of the world is somewhere between the Survival and the Stability levels. I’m probably in the Thriving area or closer to Thriving than Stability.

But having less doesn’t mean being less. It just means focusing on those things that are essential, so that you can have abundance in those areas that matter most.

The least focus on food, or money, in order to emphasize your health and happiness, for example.

Or having less social obligations so that you can focus on contributing to the community.

Less is More, because it allows you to focus on what contributes most to a good life.

Photo by Nacho Juárez from Pexels