Out of Sight …

Out of Sight - Walk the Pla.net

It has only been around four months since I last posted to this blog. Amazingly, I completely forgot it existed.

This is indicative of my tendency to get distracted by various projects. I get excited about a new projects and become hyper involved in it for a period of weeks or month (or hours) and then get distracted by something else.

Soon enough, the original project is a thing of the past and often times completely forgotten.

Not that this blog was a major undertaking. But I am amazed at how quickly I didn’t even remember that it was here. I even had a fairly recent thought, “I should really do something with my markm520.sg-host.com domain”.

I think it is also a result of having too many things going on at once. A reminder to simplify my life.

Case in point, here is a short list of the things I’m doing (or about to do):

  • Job #1: NIC Hawaii
  • Job #2: Teach at UHWO
  • Turo
  • Design projects for others (i.e. BH website)
  • Hosting my mom for 2 months
  • Japanese language
    • StoryReading
    • Conversations
    • Japanese 201 @ KCC in Fall 2021
    • WaniKani
    • Refold
  • Sell or donate a bunch of stuff <– minimize
  • Exercise and training
  • Norwegian language (sort of on the back burner right now)
  • Akamai Websites YouTube Channel
  • Walkthepla.net blog (and videos?)
  • Random web projects
    • Foodie Finder
    • Wushu Adventures
      • School directory
      • WAAS
    • Less is Moran
    • My professional portfolio site (markcmoran.com?)
  • Martial Arts <– on hold for now
  • And probably a lot more.

Plus, I play video games (Stadia & Switch), draw (mostly on iPad with Apple Pencil), write, watch lots of TV and movies, and I’ve been watching my Ukulele and Guitar collect impressive amounts of dust.

But, I suppose, if I was going to narrow all of that down to just “the big three” items, I’d probably have:

  1. Web Design (client services and education)
  2. Language Learning (Japanese, at the moment)
  3. Health & Wellness (nutrition, mobility, and stress management)

I would say that probably 90% of the items in that long list fit in one of those three categories.

And the ones that don’t? Well, I probably could go ahead and ignore them since I have plenty of other things to take care of.

Maybe that explains what happened with this website…