Beijing – Day 2: The Training Begins and Tyler’s Birthday

This blog is being written for Wushu West’s website, However, since I”m the one writing it, I thought it might be of interest to other folks too. If you would like to learn more, please visit the Wushu West website.


Edit 7/28: Swapped Tyler’s birthday video with a youtube version

This will be mostly pictures instead of words, since it is late and we have training in the morning …

This was the first day of our training.  Everyone met in the lobby at 7:45 for mandatory temperature taking.  It is a little machine that you put your forehead against and it takes your temperature.  Everyone got the go-ahead and we made our way down to breakfast.  Here are a few photos …

After breakfast we all go ready for our first training.  Our coach during our trip will be none other than Xu Ming Hu, or “Tiger” as he is known.  A main member of the Beijing Wushu Team, he is known for his amazing straightsword and spear technique.  However, since he just got back from a trip out of town, we were being lead this morning by another Beijing Wushu Team member, Luo Hong, who’s long fist is absolutely stunning.

The class started with group warm ups and runs around the practice area.  After that we played basketball for a while, then stretching and finally we did a lot of basics.  As it was the first practice they took it a little easy on us to help us ease in to things.  But I think everyone found the class challenging.  Unfortunately I had a slight muscle pull during the running, but that is good news for you since it meant I could take a few pictures of blurry people running around …

After practice we all went back to our rooms to get ready for lunch.  Once our temperatures were taken we headed down to the lunch room.

Sifu Patti had arranged a nice birthday cake and long-life noodles surprise for Tyler, who’s birthday was today.  We all sang Happy Birthday, which you can see a video of here:

Here are some pictures from lunch:

After lunch a group of us went to the bank down the street so that everyone could change money.  It was hot outside but we braved it for the sake of our financial well-being:

Unfortunately in the evening I wasn’t able to go to class as I had a prior engagement.  But when I find out how their second training went, I will be sure to post it up.

Day 2 Finished!